Neighborhood Security Initiative Soon to Become Independent Organization

The Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative (NSI), currently under the auspice of the Central West End Association, is working to become an independent organization.  Due to the success of the initiative’s first year and its ever expanding safety and security efforts, the NSI board has begun taking the steps necessary to officially become a 501(c)3 non-profit.

Brooks Goedeker, WUMCRC’s Community Development Manager and the NSI’s board chair, had this to say about the future of the organization:

I have been very pleased at the progress that we have been able to accomplish in the last year.  The initiative has provided stronger oversight and direction of security patrols, enhanced communciation with the SLMPD, improved communciation of crime alerts and educational information to the greater community, advanced tracking of crime statistics, and most importantly a streamilined level of service and management that has provided a cost savings and more efficient way to handle overall safety and security.  At this time we have gone above and beyond from just providing oversight of security patrols, we are now putting in place systems such as security cameras with 24-7 monitoring, interactive GIS and web based crime maps, organized and educated residents and businesses, and a proactive approach to policing.  The NSI has taken a life of its own and that is why it is now essential that the initiative become an independent organization with its own mission, vision, and strategic plan.

* WUMCRC will be providing the funding and technical assistance for the NSI to become an independent organization.

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